Email marketing is a cost-effective way to nurture lasting relationships with your audience.

Envoy offers expert and flexible help to take the guesswork and hard work out of your email marketing.

Eight good reasons to invest in email marketing

Email builds relationships
Users have a higher emotional engagement with email newsletters than with websites or social media. A carefully planned email strategy will nurture and strengthen relationships.
People prefer email
72% of people prefer to receive promotional content through email, whereas only 17% prefer social media.
Email enables you to be creative and distinctive
A well-designed and well-written email can convey your personality directly and effectively. And you choose how and when you wish to communicate with your audience.
Email maintains your profile
Email marketing sends timely messages to interested people, enticing them back to your website, rather than relying on them to find you. Emails have a longer life than do postings on social media.
You own your email list
Growing your email list is an investment which will yield long-term benefits; unlike a social media following, which is vunerable to algorithm and policy changes by platform providers.
Email can be tailored
Using techniques such as dynamic content and segmentation, it is possible to send relevant and timely emails to subscribers to suit their particular interests.
Email has a wide reach
There are 3 times more email accounts than the combined total for Twitter and Facebook. Anybody who is online has an active email address.
Email is very cost-effective
Email marketing provides the highest return on investment of any form of marketing. Email delivers on average a return on investment (ROI) of £21.48 for every £1 spent.

Eight revealing statistics about e-marketing

Email Marketing.    Easy to do.    Hard to do well.

There are many tools available that make it easy to throw together an email and send it out at very little cost, but doing it that way is a missed opportunity and runs the risk of damaging your relationship with your valuable list of subscribers.

Often, a lack of time or limited in-house resources means that optimising emails, link-checking, A/B testing and subsequent analytics do not happen. In a busy working day, when there are so many demands on your time, simply getting the email sent out is an achievement.

However, each time you send an email ‘blast’ without reflecting and learning, you are weakening your relationship with your subscribers. Every email is a great opportunity to develop a good relationship with your audience and to prove once again that what you have to say is relevant to their lives.

Your email list should be considered less as a tool than an asset. For someone to subscribe to your list is a compliment to you; and every time they open one of your emails it is an even bigger compliment. Don’t abuse their faith but develop it. For you, a list of subscribers is a fantastic resource; it is simply foolish to neglect or misuse it.

Envoy can help you grow your email list and make the most of this asset.

Release the potential of your email list with Envoy

Envoy is run by Madeleine Parkyn who has been working with commercial and not-for-profit clients since 1998. Most of her work comes from client referrals.

Envoy offers a range of expertise which will be tailored to your specific requirements. Madeleine is happy to set up an email marketing system that you can run yourself or to provide a fully managed email marketing service. She also offers consultancy and temporary support in particularly busy periods or when in-house capacity is reduced. Envoy can work with your current email service provider (ESP) or can set you up with another one.

“It is a great learning experience working with Madeleine. She takes time to get to know what makes us tick as an organisation, and shares her knowledge about the web, and web marketing, in a such way that we can understand it and apply it without feeling overwhelmed.”

Ruth Hansford – Strategic Development Manager British Association for Performing Arts Medicine

Six ways that Envoy can help you improve your email marketing

Managed Email Marketing Service
Envoy will cover everything to ensure that your email campaigns are sent out free of errors and on schedule.


Optimising Your Sign-up Process
It is very important to create a good impression during the sign-up process, when your subscribers are at their most receptive.


Welcome and Engagement Programmes
Making an initial good impression will increase the likelihood of your emails being recognised and opened in the future.


List Cleaning and Re-engagement Programmes
Use your email analytics to develop a re-engagement strategy to win back lapsed subscribers and improve opening rates.


Email Marketing Health Check
Quick fixes and longer-term recommendations to improve the effectiveness of your email campaigns.


Designing Email and Landing Pages
Envoy has designed hundreds of email newsletters and landing pages.


“The combination of creativity and thoroughness is rare and much appreciated!”

Eleanor Green – Health Promotion Strategy Bradford Health Authority

Choose from Envoy’s bespoke email marketing services

List Building & Manangement
  • Building your email list
  • Setting up and customising the subscription process
  • Sign-up forms and buttons for websites, Facebook, Twitter and tablets
  • Fully customised confirmation pages
  • Confirmation and welcome emails
  • Engagement emails
  • Importing/migrating data
Email Campaigns
  • Generating email copy
  • Creating regular email newsletters from raw copy
  • Email design
  • Adapting designs for effective use in emails
  • Email template design
  • Adapting email for mobile
  • Animated and interactive emails
  • RSS-generated emails (e.g. from blog entries)
Targeting, Delivery & Analysis
  • A/B testing
  • Email delivery
  • List segmentation and personalisation
  • Email automation
  • Integrating email with social media
  • Campaign review and analysis
  • Landing pages: forms, surveys, quizes and competitions

Some of Envoy’s clients since 1998

Work with Madeleine at Envoy
on your email marketing:

  • to receive personal one-to-one attention whenever you need it
  • to benefit from more than 18 years professional experience and up-to-the-minute knowledge of developments in this field
  • to get transparent costings throughout the project
  • to grow and nurture a subscriber list that will be a long-term asset

“As ever, we are so lucky to have such a stellar and reliable person as you working with us. We truly feel like you’re another member of the team!”

Marissa Hussey – Digital Marketing Director The Orion Publishing Group